These severe cases are mainly seen in children who have been prematurely born, or those who have weakened immune systems.
Has your child recently been diagnosed with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)? Do you have suspicions that your healthcare provider’s medical negligence contributed to your child’s illness? Or maybe your child was diagnosed with RSV after attending daycare, and you believe your child’s daycare providers or other parents contributed to the trauma your child has experienced.
In either case, you may have the right to take legal action and access the financial compensation you need to cover your child’s medical expenses and get through these difficult times. Here is more about the dangers of RSV and the potential legal options that may be available to you.
What is Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)?
These severe cases are mainly seen in children who have been prematurely born or those who have weakened immune systems. We all go through the common cold, which can quickly have you in terrible shape. Now, take the feeling of going through the common cold, and then imagine if a baby or infant had to experience it, only much worse.
That is what respiratory syncytial virus is like, in a nutshell. RSV is an incredibly contagious virus that mostly impacts children from the ages of zero to two years old. For most, it is simply a cold. The danger comes into play when some situations lead to more severe conditions, such as lung inflammation, which can become life-threatening. These severe cases are mainly seen in children who have been prematurely born or those who have weakened immune systems.
Common Symptoms of RSV
The symptoms are quite standard, as your child will experience a runny nose or a cough. If your child is having trouble breathing, that is a different story. At that point, it would be best to visit the pediatrician. RSV can spread to your child through contact with other children if they frequently attend a daycare center. The issue of malpractice can result based on testing or lack thereof. For example, you have visited the pediatrician, and there was no diagnosis, but things have only gotten worse.
From that point, you go to the ER and explain to them that the case has recently spread around the daycare center, yet they still do not test for RSV. It is only later on down the road that your child’s condition has become so severe that the medical staff tests and diagnoses RSV. In some rare cases, that type of delayed care could be costly. Whether it is RSV or something else, this procedure is what leads to medical malpractice. RSV also produces colored mucus, your child may forego breast or bottle-feeding, or they may suffer from dehydration.
How To Prevent RSV
Far too many parents find themselves on Google searching, “Can you go to daycare with RSV?”. Many parents need to go to work every day to earn a living and support their families. When their child has RSV, it can make it difficult or impossible for them to go to work and take care of their child. While RSV is not always preventable, there are some instances in which healthcare providers, childcare professionals, and other parents can help prevent the spread of RSV.
In some cases, RSV may not be preventable, but you can take steps to give your child the best opportunity to remain healthy. Washing hands is crucial, and many parents probably know this. Try to keep your child away from anyone with cold-like symptoms, of course. Finally, the late fall and early spring times represent a higher likelihood of coming down with RSV, so limit their exposure to daycare during these periods.
What to Do if Another Party Caused Your Child’s Illness
If you believe someone else could be responsible for your child’s RSV diagnosis, it is important to contact a legal professional immediately to discuss the specific details of your case. RSV tends to go around in the seasonal months, which can make it difficult to determine where your child may have contracted this illness.
However, if our investigation reveals healthcare provider negligence, daycare provider misconduct, or negligence by other children’s parents, you may have the opportunity to file a medical malpractice lawsuit or personal injury claim against those responsible.
What to Expect From the Claims Process
Although every person’s case is different, how the medical malpractice and personal injury claims processes unfold are generally the same. Here is a basic idea of what you can expect once you contact a personal injury advocate at The Snyder Law Group, LLC:
- We will investigate the cause of your child’s RSV diagnosis.
- We will determine whether another party’s negligence played a part in your child’s illness.
- We will gather valuable evidence to prove liability and negligence for your child’s damages and your personal financial losses.
- Your attorney will determine whether there is an opportunity to file a claim with the liable party’s insurance company.
- We will negotiate with insurance adjusters to ensure you receive fair compensation.
- If necessary, we will be prepared to move forward with a medical malpractice or personal injury lawsuit at trial.
For your lawsuit or insurance claim to be successful, we must be able to demonstrate that another party owed your child a duty of care and breached that duty, ultimately causing or failing to treat your child for RSV, which caused severe illness, injury, or other damages. For this reason, the sooner you get started on your case, the better. That way, we have as much time as possible to investigate and gather the evidence we need to support your case.
Contact The Snyder Law Group Today If You Or A Loved One Has Suffered From Medical Malpractice
The Snyder Law Group, LLC, proudly represents clients throughout Maryland and Washington, D.C. Our experienced Baltimore attorneys understand the frustration that comes with an insurance company, medical professional, or other party that refuses to accept liability for negligent or reckless behavior.
You can rest easier knowing there are talented and experienced lawyers ready to work for you. We are experienced in handling personal injury claims of medical malpractice or injury resulting from serious car and truck accidents and have secured hundreds of millions in verdicts settlements*. Please visit our website, www.410thefirm.com, for more information and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and LinkedIn.