It’s important to identify the signs of malnutrition and dehydration to make sure your loved one is getting the best possible care.
When you enlist the help of nursing home professionals, you trust them to provide the best care and a healthy living environment for your loved one. Unfortunately, an issue with some nursing home facilities is nursing home negligence and neglect, where the staff you trust with your loved one’s health may neglect or otherwise abuse elders in their care. Malnutrition and dehydration can result in injuries and even wrongful death in a nursing home environment. It’s important to be able to identify the signs of malnutrition and dehydration in order to make sure your loved one is getting the best possible care. Here are a few tips for recognizing nursing home malnutrition and dehydration.
Look for the Symptoms
You may have decided that a nursing home was the best way to care for your loved one due to declining health. In this case, it can be difficult to identify the most well-known symptoms of dehydration (thirst, dry skin, dark urine). Still, you should look for signs of malnutrition and dehydration that may be affecting your loved one’s health in a nursing home environment. This can include swollen eyelids, dry mouth and muscle cramping, flushed skin, and even growing weakness.
Nursing home staff need to be making sure those in their care are receiving food and fluids to meet their nutritional needs. One of the most standout symptoms that someone is not eating or drinking enough is fatigue. If your loved one is lacking more energy than normal or experiencing muscle weakness, this could be a sign that they are not being cared for properly.
Compromised Immune System
Malnutrition and dehydration can result in your loved one’s immune system being compromised. This can result in bedsores, or pressure ulcers, which can be visible on the skin. Your loved one may also fall ill more often, being more susceptible to infection due to a lack of nutrition and hydration. Keep an eye on your loved one and how often they fall ill. If they are sick more often than normal, or with increasing severity, this can be a telltale sign of negligence. Another symptom of a compromised immune system is slowly healing wounds. Try to take note of any cuts or bruises that your loved one has. If they heal very slowly, this can be a sign that they are dehydrated or not being fed properly.
Has Your Loved One Been a Victim of Nursing Home Negligence? Contact The Snyder Law Group Today
The Snyder Law Group, LLC, proudly represents clients throughout Maryland and Washington, D.C. Our experienced Baltimore attorneys understand the frustration that comes with an insurance company, medical professional, or other party that refuses to accept liability for negligent or reckless behavior. You can take heart in knowing there are talented and experienced lawyers ready to work for you. We are experienced in handling personal injury claims of medical malpractice or injury resulting from serious car and truck accidents, and have secured hundreds of millions in verdicts settlements*. Please visit our website, www.410thefirm.com, for more information and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and LinkedIn.